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Research & Results

World's First FICOR Wristband

Case Studies
The Science Behind the FICOR Wristband
Effect of Wrist-Wearing Distal Radioulnar Joint Stabilizer

Instability of the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) is a common clinical problem due to a fall or unexpected forcible wrist rotations.

Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
33 (5) (2019) 2503~2508

Stabilization of the
Distal Radioulnar Joint

This study investigates whether a watch-shaped external wrist band brace improves distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) stability.

Cadaveric Study:
Healthcare 2022, 10, 828.

Contribution of a Distal Radioulnar Joint Stabilizer

This study developed a finite element model of the forearm to investigate the contribution
of the distal radioulnar joint stabilizer.

Proc IMechE Part H: J Engineering in Medicine

The Ficor "Goldilocks" Wristband
New Ficor "Goldilocks" Wristband
$300 - Limited Time Offer
The Ficor "Fit" Wristband
New Ficor "Fit" Wristband
$300 - Limited Time Offer
Known From
Customer Testimonials

Wrist Pain Symptoms

Symptoms of CTS include pain and tingling in the wrist & fingers, numbness/weakness in the hand.

Golfer’s elbow occurs when the tendons and muscles in the forearm are overused.

The symptoms of Tennis Eblow can include pain, swelling, and stiffness in the elbow.

Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) is caused by repetitive motions such as typing, sewing, or using a mouse.

Triangular Fibrocartilage​ injuries are caused by overuse or misuse of a muscle or joint.

Wrist tendonitis is inflammation of the wrist tendons and can affect all ages.

Wrist sprains are characterized by twisting or rotating the wrist suddenly.

De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis causes pain and tingling in the wrist or hand.

Application Areas

Working with Computers

Playing Badminton

Football Players


Table Tennis Players

Lab Researchers

Military Personnel

Manual Workers

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